Did you know Personal Trainer Awareness Day was on January 2? No joke, we didn't make that up.
Google it!
This isn't something that we celebrate, however, it brings to light an important topic on some tips you should use for hiring a personal trainer that is a perfect fit for you.
Personal trainers have the tough job of motivating, keeping us accountable, teaching us proper technique and form; and helping us achieve our goals safely.
If you’re considering hiring a personal trainer here are a few tips:
- Start off with a personal trainer as early as possible in your fitness journey; this will help you avoid adopting any bad habits. There’s a common misconception that you need to be in shape before you hire a trainer, but that’s incorrect. Most personal trainers would prefer to start the journey early with you.
- Be completely honest with your trainer. They aren’t there to judge. If you have physical limitations and areas of weaknesses a good trainer can evaluate you and check for muscle imbalances or flexibility issues and program proper movements to strengthen your muscles and correct the imbalances. They’ll also need to know what your goals are and what you're eating to ensure the program they create for you caters to your needs and goals.
- Remember that not all trainers are created equal. There are multiple certifications; some are reputable and some are hour long classes anyone can get off the internet. When you’re looking to hire someone, check their background and where their certifications come from. You want to make sure they have the experience and education to get you to where you want to go. You wouldn't hire a bodybuilding coach to train your child to run faster and jump higher, would you?
- Be sure that you and your potential trainer shared the same core values. Your goals should assign with one another's. If things are bumpy from the start, it may not pan out in the end.
Personal trainers are a great resource to help you achieve your goals - But only if you have the right one.
Start using these tips today to find the perfect trainer for you.
P.S. Of course, we’re here to help if you’d like more guidance. [Click Here] to get in touch with one of our friendly team members today!