More than likely 100% would answer yes to that; however, not everyone allows themselves the opportunity to perform at their maximum level because they are not fueling their body properly before the workout. You always hear about breakfast being the most important meal of the day but do not ignore the importance of the pre-workout meal.
Many individuals feel as though if they workout on an empty stomach that they will burn more fat during the workout. That belief is partially true but did you know that once the gycogen levels have been depleted that you then start burning off muscle tissue during your workout. I don't believe that anyone wants to be depleting their muscle tissue during a workout, no one has a goal of muscle atrophy but without fueling the body prior to their workout atrophy will be occurring.
The best options to eat before a workout are foods with a lower glycemic index level. Foods with a lower glycemic give you longer sustained energy that will carry you through the whole workout. Go to the internet to check out foods with low glycemic index levels.
When it comes to how much you should eat before the workout a simple rule of thumb is to consume around 150-250 calories 45-60 minutes before your workout. Within those calories should be carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; so do not limit yourself to a strictly carbohydrate based food selection.
If you are looking for specific pre-workout snack options ask us anytime and we'll be happy to help direct you to eating the right foods to fuel your body for the workout. Calorie means energy; so in order to gain that energy to give you that maximal exertion in your workout have your pre-workout meal.