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With us now in spring and summer coming up right around the corner do you have that beach body that you are ready to show off to others? With the winter blues hopefully behind everyone and on the verge of summer fun it's time to really trim the body fat down and tone up.
A great piece of equipment that can get everyone in shape is the TRX Suspension Training System; which we have at Black Clover Fitness and use for many of our workouts. Without lifiting a single dumbbell you can tone up your muscles and lose bodyfat while doing exercises that will target every muscle group in the body. It's as simple as using your own bodyweight as your resistance.
If you are an outdoor person you can even use the TRX outside by simply attaching it around a tree, pole, or other sturdy object. A core set of exercises that you can do on the TRX are push-ups, squats, bicep curls, triceps extensions, squats, leg curls, chest flyes, shoulder presses and rows.
In addition to those there are a plethora of abdominal exercises and many other large muscle group exercises that can be performed. The TRX is widely used for improving an individuals golf games and other sporting abilities. So if you are looking to get in that great summer shape adding the TRX into your workout regime may be the answer.