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Probably the biggest misconception about exercise is the notion of being able to spot reduce fat. A lot of the credit to why some believe that spot reduction is possible is based upon those infomericals you hear on television about the so-called new revolutionary device that will give you 6 pack abs.
While the equipment may strengthen your abdominal muscles, the fat that surrounds your abs is not 'owned; by those particular muscles. Simply based upon that general anatomy fact spot reduction of fat is by no means possible. Fat is lost in the body mainly dependent on their genetic makeup. When an individual exercises and begins to burn fat it turns into free fatty acids, FFA; which is then sent into and through the bloodstream to the working muscles. Because the fat is not 'owned' by a particular muscle group that is being used the body burns fat from throughout the whole body.
So if you are wanting have your 6 pack abs show through don't just rely on doing 1000's of crunches but in turn focus on doing full body work and cardio exercises to burn fat.