I'm sure that you all know that sore muscle feel that you have for days after starting up a new exercise program. However, do you know the best ways to relieve your sore muscles? While there are numerous ways to relieve your muscles I'll tell you my top ways that you can help your muscles recover from the workouts. Before I get into the best ways to help your muscles recover I want to briefly touch base on what exactly causes the muscle soreness. The 'delayed onset muscle soreness', DOMS, is caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers during the eccentric (lengthening) portion while lifting weights.
One of the best ways to help your muscles recover and minimize the soreness following a tough workout is to alternate roughly 15 minute spurts of heat and ice in a localized area or take an ice and hot bath. The heat causes vasodialation in your muscles which improves circulation to the area to help with the soreness. The ice will then in turn constrict your vessels which will reduce muscle swelling.
Another great way to help you recover is to take in the correct nutrients immediately following the workout and after. Amino acids are the building blocks of your muscles and proteins are compromised of amino acids. So with that said, take in plenty of protein rich foods to help replenish your muscles.
NSAID's, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are great in relieving the swelling in muscles. So if your soreness has reached a new level don't be afraid to take the recommended dosage of Ibuprofen to help out.
Another thing that would help you get back to your next workout with minimal soreness would be to stretch following the workout. Stretching will cause extra oxygen and blood flow get to your muscles. This extra blood flow will allow the proper nutrients to get to your muscles quicker.
There are many more ways to keep your muscles from experiencing DOMS, but if you follow one or even all of these ways I can almost guarantee that your soreness will be less than someone who did not do any of these items. So don't forget to stretch, eat protein rich foods, ice and heat your muscles, and take some ibuprofen if you want to be less sore.