I'm sure that most of you have seen the commercials with people exercising with the long battling ropes and some of you have even actually used one yourself. While it may look easy to do, the exercises that you can do with a battling rope are actually very challenging and can serve as a great full body workout. Battling ropes will vary in length, weight, and diameter, but the most commonly used battling rope is right around 50 pounds. The biggest overall benefit of using a battling rope is that it is great for developing both cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength. It'll only take a few seconds of use for you to feel winded and for your muscles to be burning. With that being said, if you are short on time, a workout using the battling rope will be great for a quick, yet very effective, fat burning and muscle building workout. In addition, you can easily incorporate all muscle groups using the battling rope to make for a great full body workout. Some like to consider the rope as a workout for the arms like biking is a workout for the legs. However, you are able to mix in lunges, jumping jacks, squats, jumps, planks and multiple different exercises into any battling rope workout, making it all a great full body workout vs. just an arm workout. As mentioned, there are lots of different exercises that you can do with the rope. If you are looking for different exercises to mix things up a bit here is a video with several great ones to choose from: