We all know that you can't work out every day, and we should know that it can actually negatively affect your results if you try to work out every day. Unfortunately you actually do need to take at least a couple of days off per week. With this there could a couple different viewpoints about your “off day”: “I don’t want to lose all my progress with taking a day off”, “I just feel fat and lazy if I don’t do anything”, and “does taking a day off mean I have to start all over again?” These are just some of the many questions we get asked about when it comes to taking off days. It is very important to take these few days off, especially from weight training, because with the high intensity of your workouts you actually have to give your muscles the time to recover and repair before you break that muscle down again. I am not saying that you have to take a day off after every one of your workouts, but taking a day off after two or three straight days of weight training (depending on the intensity and the duration of your workouts) is very beneficial. So, now that I have told you how important it is to take an off day, the real question is "What do I do on an off day?” I am not saying that you can just sit and do absolutely nothing. That method can hurt your results because your body and muscles need to be in constant motion to help the repair and recovery process. I always tell my clients to always be active, even on off days. Go for a walk if the weather is nice outside, get on the elliptical or treadmill and do a light cardio session for 15-20 minutes, or even take a yoga class if your muscles are not sore from your previous workout. Make sure it’s just enough to get a sweat going and not being completely exhausted, which could be classified as a workout day if you push it too hard. Not only will this keep your body moving, but also it will help you stay motivated to keep on your workout routine. So get out there and work your butt off when those workout days come around. Just make sure to ease back a couple days per week, take care of your body, and let it recover so you can once again get the most out of your next workout session. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is the body that you are striving to achieve. Be patient and use those off days appropriately. Your body will thank you in the end.