In my line of work, I'm often asked for ways to strengthen the core muscles. First of all, let's define "core." The collective group of muscles that move, stabilize, and support the rib cage, pelvic girdle, and spinal column are what we refer to when we say core muscles.
To understand the function of the core, you must be familiar with each structure that the muscle is responsible for, when either moving or stabilized. For instance, the rectus abdominus, or the "6-pack muscle" has multiple functions. It can play the role of stabilizer in an exercise such as the common plank, which is seen at gyms across the country. For the classic crunch, the rectus abdominis is the muscle responsible for reducing the distance between the rib cage and pelvic girdle. These are just a few of the ways in which your core functions.
For more information regarding exercise tips and general wellness advice, questions can be forwarded to or by visiting our website We look forward to talking soon!